11/27/2021 Bellevue vs Mercer Island 3-18-21Varsity
a BHS 2-1 MI (OT Golden Goal) a 35th min 0-1 MI breakaway 76th min 1-1 Nova PK 83rd min 2-1 KateD (Kendall) a "Great rivalries don't have to be built on hatred. They can be built on respect, on a respect for excellence" --Coach Mike Krzyzewski a Wow. Just wow. a In three of the last four years, Kingco teams have won the state title. Two of those teams took the field last night. We play different styles of soccer, one not better than the other, just different. I have great respect for the MI program and every Bellevue-MI game is tight, competitive and compelling, regardless of season-records or past results. So against a rivalry backdrop in which many of our players were being loudly heckled by a pack of MI student supporters behind the goal, and aggressively tackled all over the field, we responded with....one of the most tepid first halves of soccer in our history (and I'm being kind). After conceding a breakaway goal just before halftime (one of 3 MI chances in the half), we limped into the halftime huddle knowing that something had to change. We had a single solitary shot in the first half. Ugh. Not the start we had imagined. a I wish there had been some keen coaching insight that unlocked our potential at halftime, but the theme was basically "do better." And we did. Our Bellevue girls completely dominated the second half launching 15 shots (vs 1 MI chance) at the Islanders as they bunkered down to preserve their lead. a In fact, there were so many quality chances that I couldn't possibly recap them all other than noting that Vanessa's crossbar volley late in the game is as close as you can come to scoring a winning wondergoal without actually doing so. There were so many clear chances, that it was beginning to feel like one of those games that were simply fated to go against you. Posts. Open nets. Clearances off the line. We had it all. Finally, what leveled the game was quick-thinking opportunism and bravery. Nova pounced on a deflected cross and raced towards the MI keeper, got to the ball first, and was completely cleaned out by the keeper's forward momentum. During game time, I wasn't sure if it was a PK, but after reviewing the video, it was a stone-cold penalty. No doubt. And full credit to the AR on that side of the field for immediately signalling the foul. And so after a brief discussion with her captain, Nova confidently took the ball and deposited the ball into the back of the net to tie the game with 4 minutes left. Drama. a But it wasn't over. We had several several chances to win in the last 4 minutes (including Vanessa's crossbar), but at the whistle it was 1-1. Typically, all Kingco games go into two 5 minute overtime periods. Mini-overtimes. During playoffs they are "golden goal" overtimes, and during regular season we typically play out the full ten minutes. The referee asked me what we wanted to do and I deferred to the home team. We didn't care, we were just thankful to extend the game. MI chose the "golden goal" option. And we enthusiastically nodded our agreement. This ends well for us. a It was extraordinary. Just three minutes into the first overtime, Mo won the ball from a throw-in, calmly dropped the ball to Audrey who hit a first-time pass into the space that Mo had just left, and Kendall smartly filled. Kendall chest trapped the ball back to Kate who hit the sweetest half-volley in BHS rivalry history and the goalkeeper had no chance. It was almost like it was her birthday or something (oh, it WAS her birthday? gifts for everyone then...happy 17th Durrell twins). a Pandamonium. Mock kisses blown towards the raucous MI supporters behind the goal. And scene. The divine soccer script-writers have outdone themselves again. a The MI girls left the field upset because they hadn't been told that it was golden goal, but our girls were already busy dancing at the center-circle. a My conclusion: our re-match in two weeks will be amazing. Home game. Senior night. April 1st. It will be no joke. a Notes on Student Supporters Rivalry games are so fun. They are oftentimes not very pretty, but they are always tense fun affairs. Last night's edition of our rivalry with MI certainly qualified. Did it help set a tone that 20-30 boys were camped behind the stadium fence chanting, heckling and shouting for the entire game? Absolutely. I love students supporting their team. It makes the entire evening more fun. I only wish their supporters were a bit more clever in their heckling. Heckling is an art form. And the MI student supporters were more crayon-eaters than Rembrandts. But either way, their presence helped make the evening electric. So despite disagreeing with their tone (and choice of language), I loved that they were there. a Highlights/Notes We have scored 10 goals this season. And we have 9 goalscorers and 10 players with either a goal/assist. Balance and depth in goalscorers is a coach's dream. And is a testament to the deep talent we have on our roster this season; And because of our deep pool of talent, managing a larger roster comes with some tough playing decisions. Most players got a chance to take the field versus MI, but not all. And the minutes were certainly not spread evenly. Which happens all the time at the varsity level, but it's a very difficult outcome. Playing time has so many variables: past performance, current performance, performance at training, opponent, conditions, injuries, specific match-ups, physicality, formations, the flow-of-the-game. Some variables a player can control, and others they cannot. We have a substitution plan going into every game, but adjustments are so frequent that actual patterns rarely fit to plan. And on a roster with 22 players, minutes are dear. Everyone will want more than they get. I understand, but that's the gritty part of being part of a team. Usually over a season, every player on the roster gets an opportunity to contribute positively to the team. And so my only feedback to our #12s is to be ready when that opportunity comes. Comments are closed.